
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Theseus Athens Great Hero :: essays research papers

Theseus Athens Great Hero     At suffer Theseus an unknown father. His mother , Aethra , was friendlywith both Poseidon and Aegeus (Hunt 3-6). Before Theseus was born Aegeus tell toAethra ." If we are to clear a son , when he is grown have him take my sword andsandals from under this boulder to me ," then he was away to Athens. Theseus wasborn in a small town called Troezen and grew up there, in a normal way.     When Theseus was old enough Aethra took Theseus to the boulder wherethe sandals and sword were and told him what Aegeus had said. Theseus elevate thegiant boulder with ease and immediately sine qua n superstard to go to Athens. He insisted ongoing by land even though it is a ripe deal more dangerous for there are thieves andhe did not want to heed his mothers warnings. So he was off to Athens on themeto meet his father.     On the journey Theseus met many thieves and out whited every one of themfro m asking to see there nice weapons and using them agents the thieves toseeing what they were onerous to do to him and using that to hurt or usually killthem. both way Theseus showed courage and wisdom in his quick thinking thatwould distinguish him a great hero that would be remembered for many years to come.     The prototypic day in Athens Theseus started looking for Aegeus castle butwhat he did not know was that Aegeus was ,at the time, under the power of asorcerer by the name of Medea. She could see the power in him from afar and sawthat he would take her power so she told Aegeus to kill him. At this time everyAegeus nor Theseus knew that they were related. Media told Aegeus to inviteTheseus to a party or ball glide path in the near feature and to poison his drink.Aegeus poisoned his drink and gave it to Theseus. Just before Theseus drank thewine-colored Aegeus dashed the glass to the ground for he had just recognized his sword.     A egeus and Theseus became good friends and lived together for a time.One day Theseus saw ships with black sails coming and heard that there weretaking 20 people to the labyrinth where they would be killed by a monster calledthe Minitor. Theseus had to stop this annual occurrence and went on the boat andpromised if he lived to change the sails from black to white to tell Aegeus thatTheseus was alive.

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